Tuesday, May 30, 2006


This Blog has just been reviewed by Sparklemotion! They make some good points about some of the layout issues with the Blog, but I'm guessing they were using Firefox to review the Blog, as the mention the sidebar - which I know isn't working as it should. Feel good about the review. It's all been constructive. Have made a few changes, the banner, and some terrible spelling mistakes (my teachers would be ashamed of me). But hey! (I know I know!) I'm a Cartoonist, not some literary superstar, like JK (Rowling) or Catherine Cookson. It's good that someone else has given me feedback on the Blog. If only I could get my head around this HTML, and get Firefox AND Internet Explorer to play nicely together!
Oh, and I am going to try and sort out the time warp thing. It all started with just the next day, but then I had plans and thought I'd be clever and pre publish days ahead. Looks like I was wrong.
I think I've got the Blog looking OK in Firefox & Internet Explorer. I'm not sure what I did - but I fiddled around with the HTML and now it's looking ok. A casualty of all this change has been the search function, but I dare say this will return soon. In the meantime you can see all the previous posts from the archives. For new visitors I recommend this post: sofaman


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