Monday, May 29, 2006

Internet Explorer - you've won!

Nothing drawn this time. Seems I have become obsessed with the stats for this Blog. Which shows that 88% of you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer to view the Blog. Also noticed, was the similar percentage for visitors that don't even take their coats off, and walk straight through the house. So I have had to change the template to suit the majority. Adsense has had sense, and will not be sharing the journey with us for a while.
Cartoons will be the next post. Hope you like the new template, and it works for your lovely IE. For Firefox users it's going to look like a dogs dinner for a while.
I won't miss the 30p from Adsense. Rant Over. So what else can I do that will convince you to stay? Apparently you can have a direct live feed to this site from here.
At least this template lends itself better to long strip cartoons - of which more we be added soon.


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