Saturday, August 19, 2006

No snakes on this plane

Snakes on a Plane is set to become one of the most hyped movies of recent times. The blogs are raving about it, it has fans the world over going nuts for it. Parodies made about it - and no one, not even the critics have seen it yet. It could be a good film. It could be completely rubbish, but it's sure to make loads of money for the studio. I can remember the Blair Witch Project, which was equally hyped to death. It was complete rubbish. I went to see it because I had one of those 3 week cinema passes and had run out of movies to watch. I'm not joking when I say people were tutting and walking out after 30 minutes or so. I stayed put, because it was raining and I'd parked some distance away, and if I'm honest I was hoping the last half hour was going to be the making of the film. It was not. Complete rubbish, from beginning to end. I've seen better home movies. Snakes on a Plane (it's a crap title) isn't quite the same. It has a proper budget for a start. I'm always uneasy about things that have been hyped. Life has taught me that hype usually means crap. We shall see.


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