Thursday, August 17, 2006

Hosepipe Ban

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Trying my hardest to move away from airport/security gags, after I realised that I've posted far too many this week.
Water. The UK and many other countries have seen record temperatures and very little rainfall. The consequence for us all is world wide water shortages. Or is it? The water companies in the UK are bleating on that the reservoir's are empty and there's nothing they can do about it - but they themselves waste far more water then we ever get through the taps. Billions of liters of water are wasted through ancient Victorian pipes, and the fact that many of the water companies are very slow to repair leaks. We had a leak at the side of our house a few months ago. It took the water company over two weeks to get it sorted, even then they said they wouldn't repair it more then once without payment! So thousands of liters of water was dribbling away down our driveway. We didn't have a hosepipe ban here, but not far away in Berkshire a water company jet washed it's office building at the same time as telling customers that they couldn't use their hosepipes!


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