Tuesday, August 1, 2006

A Double Load Of Trouble.

Two cartoons today. Why two? Because I don't like either of them, and thought I'd give you twice as much rubbish as usual. Need more cartoony time. How did Rolf manage it? Who remembers Rolfs Cartoon Time?
Normal cartoony madness will return with my next day off from the real world. It's not easy doing all this drawing day in and day out. It takes
time. I'm very greatful for all the kind words of support, and all the corrections to my awful spelling. Seems the campaign for real English are avid followers of this blog - and that can only be a good thing. To explain to those of you who aren't lucky enough to live in the UK. DFS is one of those soft furniture superstores. They only every have sales. Check out their web site. They have permanant sales. Never have normal prices. Sure DFS might sue - but think what that would do for the hits! Estate Agents, Furniture Superstores. There must be a connection there somewhere. Oh and nearly forgot to mention. I now have a domain name, which for the time being points to this blog.www.clangnuts.com so now it's much snappier way to tell everyone you know about my drawings.


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