Wednesday, August 11, 2010


The purpose of this blog when I first started it 5 years ago was to showcase some of my cartoons. I had all sorts of unrealistic ideas about being able to update it every day, then every few days, then at least once a week, then sporadically.Currently is updated very sporadically.

It's not that I'm not drawing any more. I am. Sporadically. But most of the drawings I'm doing these days are being saved for rejection by some very big names in the magazine publishing industry! I don't feel it's proper that I post cartoons on here, and THEN offer them for first publication rights to magazines.

So what to do with the blog? It still gets a healthy amount of hits, which stay quite constant, apparently unconnected to how often I update it. 4,000 visitors per week is the norm. 

Since starting cartoon blogs have continued to become very popular, so I've been playing with this idea for some time. What if, instead of just using to promote my own (sporadic) cartoons, I used it to promote all the brilliant web comics out there instead? I have been collection hundreds of bookmarks to some truely exceptional cartoon blogs and web comics over the last few years, so there's plenty of choice.

Advantages would be:
  • Regular updates to
  • Introduce some very good, but relatively unknown cartoons to a wider audience
  • Less crappy cartoons from me (although I may still post the occassioanal one)
Disadvanges could be:
  • Some cartoonists might not want to be featured here
  • Creating hits for competing websites.
  • Less crappy cartoons from me (although I may still post the occassioanl one)
Is this a good idea? Has it got legs? Would it be better to just fill the content with photos of kittens or something?

If you are a web cartoonist, and you'd like a review/feature or whatever it is I'm going to do, then please get in touch. 


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