Monday, February 15, 2010

THIS FUNNY WORLD and George Wolfe

Ger Apeldoorn, tanned and rested after his Florida honeymoon, returned to his lovely home in the Netherlands to discover that there were "[n]o burglars trying to steal my newspaper strip collection," and so promises lots more cartoony goodness at his Fabuleous Fifties blog.

Here's a grand sampling of McNaught Syndicate's THIS FUNNY WORLD newspaper panel, with a nice page of George Wolfe's best cartoons.

"Wolfe describes cartooning as starting with a blank mind and a blank piece of paper. The cartoon may emerge in 10 minutes or in tow hours - plus. Above is what he calls a 'comicature' of himself. 'It's less searching than a caricature,' he says, 'but friendlier.'"


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