Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Stumble Upon

I know that I get many visitors to this blog, via Stumble Upon. Some of you might be wondering what is Stumble Upon, and why there's a button at the bottom of all the blog posts. I'm going to attempt to explain, and hopefully convert a few of you to the wonders of Stumble Upon.

Stumble Upon is a social networking site. It's easier and quicker to use than most other types of networking sites out there. All you need to do is download the browser plugin (for FireFox or Internet Explorer), tell it what sort of subjects interest you (i.e. Cartoons, Humor, Cats etc) and then when you're bored, and have read your favourite websites to death - you can just click the Stumble button on your browser, and it will take you to a new website.

The great thing about Stumbling, is that unlike search engines - Stumble Upon only throws up sites that other members have already given the thumbs up to. Search engines can be impersonal at times, but with Stumble Upon - you (mostly) get quality links. If you do get a link that you don't like - then you can give it the thumbs down, and it will remember that you don't like that sort of site. Thumbs up - tells it, which sites you like. The more you use it, the more accurate it becomes.

I seriously advise everyone reading this to give Stumble Upon a try. It's perfectly safe, and the plugin contains no malware, and can be removed with little fuss. I've been using it for over a year, and most of the sites I've discovered through it - I just would never have found from Google, or any of the other search engines.


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