Is this shameless? Deceitful? Has another crime been committed against the above cartoonist in the photo?
Here's the background:
Bulldogs Biz, a company I have never heard of, sells business plans via eBay. Most of them sell for $40. One of the businesses is titled:
They tell you they are good at getting you money. They have, they tell you, a 94% success rate at getting an entrepreneur Small Business Administration funding.
Who is Bulldogs Biz? They are "retired business professionals, with more than 35+ years combined experience." No bricks-and-mortar address, no phone number, no email contact that I could find.
I ran across the listing by chance. The photo of the fellow with the large charcoal caricature looked familiar.
And then it occurred to me who he was.
Bulldogs Biz is using a photo of an unidentified deceased cartoonist to sell their plans.
The photo is Australian caricaturist Bill "Weg" Green (1923-2008) and he's showing a caricature of the man who broke into his home. A burglar that police caught quickly thanks to his cartooning ability.
There is no context for Mr. Green's photo in the above Bulldogs Biz ad. No ID. No nothing. It's a disgrace that they may have just carelessly trolled the Internet for some graphic. It's a crime. It's wrong.
There is a small "Contact Member" on the right hand side of their eBay store screen here. Join me in telling them to stop using Mr. Green's photo.
Above: my blog entry about Bill "Weg" Green, with the photo by Craig Abraham.
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