Sketched in between pints of Smithwicks' at The Shaskeen in Manchester, NH. This was a traditional Irish music session on Saturday afternoon, December 11, 2010. I accompanied my wife (not pictured), who was one of the half-dozen musicians who there that day. She plays the fiddle and flute. I am not a musician myself.
I try to be unobtrusive. But, as I was sketching, the woman next to me noticed. She leaned way over to look. She made a noise -- something like "Oh" or "Oooh." When the musicians get going, it can be hard to hear. Anyway, she looked at me and smiled and said, "I thought you were doing your school work." (!?!?!?!!?!) I suppose I should be flattered since the last time I was in school was in the 1980s.
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