Above: One was rumored to play Captain Kirk, the other WAS Captain Kirk: Richard Burton and William Shatner.
Below is a 12 minute trailer and a preview of selected scenes from STAR TREK: THE MOTION PICTURE, which opened 31 years ago today. The extended trailer was put together to show to the National Association of Theatre Owners to placate nerves and make sure that STTMP was booked for its opening.
It's an unusual look at a movie. There is no finished music, the sound still had to go through post production, and there are a handful of effects. That's because the music and the effects for the V'Ger cloud were still to come. The whole movie was in a rush, with rumors of the prints still dripping wet when they arrived in movie theatres. There were also concerns that it wasn't such a good movie, and Paramount was very squeamish about a TV show cast being able to draw people to buy tickets for its expensive 1979 Christmas release. Paramount was so squeamish that there were rumors in preproduction that the cast would be replaced my "real" stars, and that Captain Kirk would be played by Richard Burton. The fans who sent those "Save STAR TREK" letters then began a "Save the STAR TREK Cast" drive.
Back to the video. What you do have here is entire scenes, with the "wrong music;" a temp track whose source I do not know -- but would love to find out. My guess is that it was tracked with some of Jerry Goldsmith's music from another feature. But that's, like I said, just a guess. At the end of the video, you do get to hear just a few seconds of the STTMP "march," the new theme which Roddenberry was so fond of he used it for the NEXT GENERATION series.
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