I just got back from Dallas we killed it out there, Dallas showed us a lot of love, check out some pics from the metro PCS instore event. I want to say a special thank you to the local car clubs Majestix, Phaylanx and Techniques also to all who came out to support on the day thank you. Even though we were in the hood a bunch of celebrities came out to show some love. Football legend Warren Sapp turned out not just to pop bottles in the club but to shake kids hands and sign autographs. Hometown heroes and world class produces Play-N-Skillz came through to sign posters and chop it up. I also had to go to work by doing a airbrush demonstration for the youngsters in store check out the 1 of a kind piece I did thanks to Df wireless and Metro PCS, for updates check out www.sanctionedmobile.com
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