After 2.5 years of posting cartoons onto this Blog, I have decided now the ressession is upon us, this would be a great time to open up the Clangnuts Cartoon collection for sale, to Blog owners, newsletters, and publishers. Well, that's not strictly true. Over the years occasionally people have approached me to buy some cartoons, which I have mostly sold to them. What many of them have said is that they didn't realise that the cartoons were for sale or not - well they are. All of them. There's well over 300 gag cartoons here, so you're bound to find something you'd like, and if possible I can do commissions, although they will cost more than cartoons already in existence. Prices vary according to the scale of use, but for a small none commercial blog are very reasonable. All cartoons licensed are supplied via email or FTP in high resolution files and whatever image file format required.Any cartoon signed Clangnuts, Clang or Steven are available.
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