Nice site. For most of the 60s I inked and lettered
the FLINTSTONE daily and Sunday strips for Gene
Hazelton at Hanna-Barbera on a freelance basis.
On Tuesdays, I would go into the H-B Studio; Gene
would also go in. We'd go into a little room. I'd deliver
finishes, Gene would check them over and give me
new pencil drawings (with scripts). Gene always drew
the FLINTSTONE DAILIES. Dick Bickenbach penciled
the FLINTSTONE Sunday (occasionally Gene did).
Harvey Eisenberg penciled the YOGI BEAR daily panel
and the Sunday page . . . until he died. Then, Harvey's
son Jerry Eisenberg took over. I inked and lettered Yogi
for quite a while.
Joe is going to provide me with more information about his work on the FLINTSTONES strips soon. Love your inking and lettering on the strips! Joe is currently living in Connecticut. Great to hear from you, Joe! Click on the FLINTSTONES strip for a larger view!
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