Trip out on one of my favorite movies of all time.. We have been having it on rotation here at the shop. Go to Amoeba and buy yourself one.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Trip out on one of my favorite movies of all time.. We have been having it on rotation here at the shop. Go to Amoeba and buy yourself one.


Friday, October 30, 2009
Beware the Cartoonist

Bill "Weg" Green and his burglar. Photo by Craig Abraham.
Here is a story from 2006 -- one I never heard of.
The moral is: never, ever commit a crime against a cartoonist. The criminal will lose.
When a criminal broke into caricaturist Bill "Weg" Green's property, shoving him, cursing, and trying to get away on Weg's grandson's bike -- Bill needed only a moment to draw the perpetrator.
"'We were mainly concerned with catching the offender who was still in the area,' said Senior Constable Aaron Roche of Ringwood police."'I thought (the drawing) might be a stick figure or something like that.'
"Seconds later, Mr Green — who still works daily drawing private, AFL and other corporate caricatures, as well as running a gallery — provided a detailed drawing of the burglar's face.
"'It was amazing, the likeness was just fantastic,' Senior Constable Roche said."
The Age has the full story.
Weg Green illustrated the Australian Football League posters from 1954 until he passed away last year.
Hat tip to Small & Big!I'm just sorry I'm 3 years late on this.

Above image from the Saxton site.

Check out STEVE BANE's (aka KARSWELL) cool blog, THE HORRORS OF IT ALL!
DOCTOR WHO "The Waters of Mars" November 15 Premiere on BBC UPDATED

UPDATE: BBC America will air "The Waters of Mars" on Saturday December 19th at 9pm et/pt.
Just in from The Doctor Who News Page: the next-to-last David Tennant DOCTOR WHO episode "The Waters of Mars" will air on Sunday night, November 15th at 7pm. BBC America has promised to air it in the States "soon."
Here are 2 new previews from the Doctor Who TV Web site:
Doctor Who,
Smokey Stover's Foo Car

When in Indiana, don't forget to see the real-life Smokey Stover "Foo Car." Mark Anderson has the scoop.

Above Big Little book image nicked from Neatorama's "The Comics Origin of Phrases" entry, which includes explanations of Linus' security blanket, Pogo's "We have met the enemy and he is us," etc.
comic strips
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Video: Rand Holmes Exhibit

The bad news is that I missed the Rand Holmes retrospective exhibit. (BoingBoing has a description here.)
Rand Holmes taught himself how to draw by copying Wally Wood and Will Eisner. He drew, among many other things, Harold Hedd. It was his work in Fog City Comics, that I picked up out of a bin at Cosmic Comics in Cleveland, Ohio many years ago that got my attention. And then I saw his art in the 1980s comic books Alien World and Twisted Tales.
It was in the 1980s that he moved himself and his family to the remote Lasqueti Island, in the Georgia Strait, north of Vancouver. He wanted to live off the land. Rand Holmes concentrated on painting. He was, as you will see when we get to look at all of his sketchbooks in the video, a prolific guy. He didn't talk a lot, his widow explains. But he had a lot of projects.
He died at the age of 55, while undergoing chemotherapy for Lymphoma in 2002.

So, the good news is that even though the event is over, there is this wonderful video report on the 2007 gallery show from Patrick Rosenkranz. Why it's appearing now, two years after the exhibit, is anyone's guess. But I'm thankful and glad to see the work and listen to his wife and sons and friends talk about this talented Canadian underground cartoonist.
comic books